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I’m an assistant professor at Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, where I’m working on mitigation of online harms in the Interaction Lab.
I’m part funded by the EPSRC project Equally Safe Online (EP/W025493/1).
I previously worked on the EPSRC project Designing Conversational Assistants to Reduce Gender Bias (EP/T023767/1).
I’m an organiser of the workshops NLPerspectives and CounterSpeech for Online Harms.
You can find my publications here.
You can find my CV here
email: g.abercrombie@hw.ac.uk
Follow me on Bluesky.
December 2024
Tanvi Dinkar and I gave a talk on using participatory design for NLP at University of Edinburgh ILCC
September 2024
Our paper ‘Mirages’ was cited by the AI Safety Institute as motivation for a survey on public attitudes to anthropomorphic technology.
I was invited to take part in a forum on combating disinformation and hate speech, organised by the Spanish government’s Ministry of National Security at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid.
July 2024
I gave my first keynote talk at the Scottish Informatics & Computer Science Alliance PhD Conference, University of Aberdeen.
My MSc student Aashima Poudhar presented her paper on counterspeech strategies at WOAH.
I presented our survey and how-to guide on NLP for counterspeech with Helena Bonaldi at NAACL in Mexico City.