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I’m an assistant professor at Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh, where I’m working on mitigation of online harms in the Interaction Lab.

I’m part funded by the EPSRC project Equally Safe Online (EP/W025493/1).

I previously worked on the EPSRC project Designing Conversational Assistants to Reduce Gender Bias (EP/T023767/1).

I’m an organiser of the workshops NLPerspectives and CounterSpeech for Online Harms.

You can find my publications here.

You can find my CV here



Follow me on Bluesky.


December 2024

Tanvi Dinkar and I gave a talk on using participatory design for NLP at University of Edinburgh ILCC

September 2024

Our paper ‘Mirages’ was cited by the AI Safety Institute as motivation for a survey on public attitudes to anthropomorphic technology.

I was invited to take part in a forum on combating disinformation and hate speech, organised by the Spanish government’s Ministry of National Security at the Universidad Complutense de Madrid.

July 2024

I gave my first keynote talk at the Scottish Informatics & Computer Science Alliance PhD Conference, University of Aberdeen.


My MSc student Aashima Poudhar presented her paper on counterspeech strategies at WOAH.

I presented our survey and how-to guide on NLP for counterspeech with Helena Bonaldi at NAACL in Mexico City.